
2 Year Warranty:

Midnight Anytime Blinds will replace or repair any product with like or similar parts that are found to be defective and are covered by the 2 Year warranty.


Please inspect your order on delivery or as possible. You have a period of 28 days following the delivery of your order in which to notify us of any damage, defects or parts missing to the order. After 28 days no claim for marks or damage or missing items will be accepted.

If any part of your order is found to be damaged or missing or defective, please contact us via phone or email at support@midinghtanytimeblinds.com.au. You are entitled to return the items provided you have first contacted us, giving us details of the defects. Only once we have agreed that the goods should be returned to us are you able to proceed with the return.

Returning any items will be at our cost.

Warranty Limits:

If agreed, Midnight Anytime Blinds may resupply damaged or missing item at our cost. Any remakes agreed by us will be on a like for like basis and we cannot accept any alterations.

Blind warranty does not apply to any parts which fail due to accident, alterations, improper use, abuse, neglect, normal wear, nor colour fading due to sunlight or direct exposure to salt air, failure to follow instructions for measuring and installing or operating the product.

If a defect in materials or workmanship arises within the Warranty Period, you can return your blinds to us provided you have first contacted us giving details of the defects and we have agreed that the goods should be returned to us.

Warranty excludes goods that have been modified or subject to misuse, negligence, improper installation, improper cleaning or the product has failed as a result of normal wear and tear.

If agreed the product(s) is/are defective and within the warranty period, we will promptly arrange:

  • to repair the product and return the repaired goods to you, free of charge; or
  • deliver replacement goods of similar quality and specification, free of charge; or
  • at our sole discretion, arrange for a refund of the price of the defective products.

Covered Under Warranty:

The original purchaser of the blind; Defects in materials and workmanship; Failure of blind to operate; Internal parts and mechanism; Cords, components and brackets; Supplied colour different to sample; and Damaged noted upon delivery.

Not Covered Under Warranty:

Abuse, accidents and improper use; Normal wear and tear; Alterations or improper installations; Removal and re-installation costs; Over exposure to the elements; Natural minor fading over time; and Improper cleaning and use of chemicals.

Contact Us:

If you have any issue with your product, please contact Midnight Anytime Blinds. We will need to confirm the issue with your product is covered by the warranty and that it is withing the 2 Year Warranty Period.

Email: support@MidnightAnytimeBlinds.com.au

Opening Hours

  • Sales & Design Help:
  • Mon - Fri 8am to 5pm
  • Sat - Sun Closed
  • Commercial Sales:
  • Mon - Fri 8am to 5pm
  • Contact Commercial Sales
  • Service:
  • Mon - Fri 8am to 5pm
  • Sat - Sun Closed

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